mail keys

How do I get my mailbox key?

Usually the only way to get a key for your mailbox is to ask your mail carrier or clerk at your local post office. If your mailbox is owned by your apartment complex, co-op, or some other entity, you should ask the manager of the entity for a new lock with two keys.

What do I do if I lost my mailbox key?

Go to the post office and have them hold your mail. Ask them to have the mail delivery person remove the lock and leave it in your box. Take the lock and have a new key made. If the lock isn't left, go to a store that sells mail box locks.

How much does it cost to replace mailbox key?

If the U.S. Postal Service owns the mailbox, be prepared to pay for a replacement key. According to U.S. Postal Service, the key deposit is $1 and key replacements or duplications are $4.40 each, at the time of publication.

Can you get a PO box in another city?

Selecting your PO Box location should be your primary consideration when you rent a PO Box. All postal boxes reside on the premise of a post office. Most people prefer a postal box close to their home or work for convenience. ... Yes, you can also get a PO Box in another city if you prefer the city name