postal box canada post

How much is a PO Box Canada Post?

Prices start as low as $63 for 3 months and vary depending on the size of the postal box, the location (for example: urban centre or rural area) and length of rentalPrice subject to change without notice.

Does Canada Post deliver to PO box?

Postal Boxes, often known as Post Office Boxes or PO Boxes, are locked compartments within a Post Office. The Postal Box is to be used only to receive mail items sent to you through Canada Post approved services and not as a storage or security compartment. The use of the Postal Box is not transferable.

How do I get a PO Box Canada Post?

How to rent a Postal Box

  1. Bring government-issued photo ID.

  2. Complete a letter of authorization if you're renting a Postal Box on behalf of someone else.

  3. Complete a Postal Box rental agreement at the post office.

  4. Pay by cash, debit or credit. Businesses with a Canada Post contract can pay using their account.

How do you get something shipped to a PO box?

Address the Packages

When you send a package to a P.O. box, do not also include a street address number in the mailing address, unless the recipient tells you to. Simply use the customer's name, P.O. box number, city and zip or postal code.

How do I get a free PO box?

The Postal Service offers no-fee post office (PObox service to customers who do not receive any form of carrier delivery. Customers apply for the no-fee PO box service by completing an application and providing identification to a Postal Service employee.

What Cannot be sent to a PO box?

Private shipping companies or carriers, such as UPSFedEx and Amazon, are not able to deliver to (place mail in) a PO Box. Only the United States Postal Service® is permitted to deliver mail to (place mail in) a PO Box. For mailing purposes, PO Boxes are considered a physical location.

What is a PO Box example?

For example, if a Post Office is located on 500 Main Street and you have PO Box 59, your mail would be addressed 500 Main Street #59. You will also be able to use the street address to receive most packages and deliveries through private carriers, such as UPS and FedEx.