postal code calgary
What is the postal code for Calgary?
Alberta - postal codes
PlaceCode50.987/-113.96319Calgary (Bridgeland / Greenview / Zoo / YYC)T2E51.088/-114.02120Calgary (Inglewood / Burnsland / Chinatown / East Victoria Park / Saddledome)T2G
How do you enter a postal code in Canada?
If prompted for your ZIP code, just enter the three digits of your postal code plus two zeros. So for example, if your postal code is A2B 3C4, the 5 digit number you should enter is 23400.
How can I find a postal code? To find a zip code with, you need to fill in the fields with your USA street address, city, and state. Then click Find and you'll get your postal code. There is also a tab to get zip code for a company.
How many postal codes are in Alberta?
Postal code
Province/territoryUnique postal codesNumber of recordsOntario278,788568,716Manitoba24,69641,159Saskatchewan22,19936,529Alberta81,829172,245
What is Calgary area code?
Area codes 587 and 825 are telephone area codes that cover all of Alberta, Canada, in addition to the incumbent codes, southern Alberta's 403 and northern Alberta's 780. Numbers in area code 587 started being allocated in late 2008.