postal delays canada

Frequently asked questions

  • Are parcel deliveries delayed now, and if so, why?

    We are experiencing delays as we put safety first. Our top priority is to do everything possible to keep our people, and the communities we serve, safe. That has meant implementing significant changes right across our operations, following the guidance of national and local public health authorities.

    In the last few weeks, we have seen a significant increase in parcel volumes as Canadians stay home and shop more online. With incoming parcel volumes at Christmas levels, the safety measures we’ve implemented in our processing facilities mean it is taking longer to process. Those measures include physical distancing in facilities that were not designed for keeping people 2 metres apart. While we are delivering in record numbers for this time of year, customers should anticipate delays.

    • We understand some people are reluctant to sign for an item now, and we have adjusted our processes. Where possible, and to avoid contact, we will not ask customers for their signature, except for the following products:

      • Proof of Identity (POI) items

      • Proof of Age (POA) items

      • COD items

      • Items with customs due

      Signature items will now be left at your address. The same applies to customs items that have been prepaid in full online but still require a signature.

      For POI, POA, COD items and items with customs due: we will leave a delivery notice card (DNC) that directs you to a local post office for pick up.

    • Is it safe to handle mail and parcels?

    • Are post offices still open? What are you doing to help keep people safe?

  • The World Health Organization (WHO) and Public Health Agency of Canada (PHAC) have assured us it is safe to handle mail, including international mail.

    According to the PHAC, there is no known risk of coronaviruses entering Canada on parcels or packages. In general, because of poor survivability of coronaviruses on surfaces, there is a low risk of spread from products or packaging shipped over a period of days or weeks. Currently, there is no evidence of COVID-19 being transmitted by imported goods or packages.

  • Are post offices still open? What are you doing to help keep people safe?

  • We understand that people rely on their local post office. We are committed to serving Canadians while taking action to keep our people and our communities safe. We will continue to review and quickly adapt our approach with health and safety as our primary goal.

    Post offices are open. In many post offices operated by Canada Post, we have reduced hours of service, opening one hour later and closing one hour earlier to clean, restock and provide some relief to employees. As well, for the first hour of each day, we offer priority service to those whom are at a higher risk (the elderly or people with compromised immune systems). Franchise operated post offices follow the measures put in place by franchise operators.

    Social & Physical Distancing: We are asking waiting customers to please space themselves 2 metres (6 feet) apart. We are working on signage and floor decals for larger post offices. For smaller offices, we will look to limit the number of customers. We are also working on clear barriers for the counter to increase safety.

    Transactions: We will continue to accept cash, but are encouraging customers to pay by using the “tap” function on their debit or credit cards where possible.

    Parcel pick-up: Parcels left at the post-office for pickup will not be returned-to-sender until further notice. We’ve suspended our normal 15-day hold period. We ask that customers who are feeling ill or self-isolating, to please delay their visit to the post office and to pick up their parcel when it’s safe to do so.