Features & Pricing
Fast delivery time: 1-3 Business Days
Free Package Pickup service at your home or office
Includes USPS Tracking and up to $50 of insurance with most shipments (restrictions apply)
No surcharges for fuel; resident or rural delivery; or Saturday delivery
Flat Rate, regional, and prepaid pricing (retail only) available
Prepaid Forever Priority Mail Flat Rate. Except for Priority Mail Flat Rate packaging, Priority Mail prices are based on weight and zone. With Prepaid Forever® Priority Mail Flat Rate, you get the same Flat Rate pricing with the added convenience of Forever postage.
Weight, Size, & Shape Requirements
Maximum weight is 70 lbs.
Maximum combined length and girth (girth is the distance around the thickest part) is 108″.
When sealing a Flat Rate Envelope or Box, the container flaps must be able to close within the normal folds.